Here are some pictures so everyone knows who I am speaking of!
Here is Jesus and I. I can never seem to get a good picture of us.
Okay so he would probably kill me if he knew this was on here. But I LOVE this picture because it reminds me of Chris Perez from the Selena movie which happens to be one of my favorite movies and shes one of my favorite singers too.
This is miss Molly. She's just like her mama she blinks in pictures too!
This is my partner in crime Anthony and I. I think this was his birthday.
My two favorite boys Jesus and Anthony. We're at Humperdinks.
Me and my sister being goofy. It happens a lot!
..See what I mean.. 
My little Sassy. Her alter ego is BAT DOG!
This is me when I was really little and my Daddy. 
Little Luna. She loves da mama.
...And last but not least.... Two of the COOLEST chicks you will ever meet! My cousin Anna and I. Dang we're cute!! |