Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Only a holiday behind...
I found the old post that didn't get posted.. apparently the pictures didnt make it, ill have to repost those...

Yes so, I am a whole holiday behind on posting pictures and updating. I had a great Thanksgiving though, and I took lots of pictures! ( of course) I got to spend time with my Aunt Linda and Sally and sometimes even Isaac was there too! I didn't get to spend as much time as I would of liked with my brother, sister and nephew but I don't think all the time in the world would be enough! But overall it was a great holiday. When I wasn't with the family I spent my time outside in the wonderful weather reading my favorite book series and Sally often hung out with me. 'Course the wonderful weather ended up getting me really sick the day before we left for home. I think I might be about over it now, thank goodness!! Also a couple of weeks ago, my brother presented me with a wonderful opportunity. I sent my sister and him some pictures of Sammy from Thanksgiving and he thinks I should go to a photography school in Oklahoma. It is the same one that my talented cousin Shanda went to. The more I think about it the more excited I get! Photography is always something I love to do, so hey! why not make some money on it too!! hehe But of course there are a couple of things that I'm worried about. One being tuition money. The 9 month program is around 10 grand. JD told me I could probably get financial aid, but who knows with my luck! Also I have to get my GED in order to go, which of course I completely understand. I've actually been working on my GED book since I've decided I really want to go. Also, I'd really like for my cousin Anna to go with me. She has a much better eye and creative mind than I do, so I think this would be perfect for her! Also I think it would be great for us to do it together. We could back each other up and help each other out. But as life goes, I'm not sure any of this will happen. But keep your fingers crossed for me! Well I think my rambling has come to and end. I've got to get ready for The Aunts Christmas Eve party!! But of course what kind of blogger would I be without adding pictures!!

Here is Sally With Kilo, the neighbors dog. We’re totally gonna steal her one day!

Here’s Isaac…hunky eh?! Back off girls this is my baby cousin!!!

I thought this was just too cute not to post..

Well this one was obviously photoshop’ed but here is my little cousins Krislyn and Josh playing on a swing that I’m sure my Uncle George made.

Here is a truck that I believe is Uncle Georges.. either way I just love classic cars/trucks.. This picture looks pretty old huh!?

Here’s Uncle George and little Garrett (I hoped I spelled that right!)

You know I love animals!! That horse doesn’t seem to like his picture taken though!

AWWW Yes, that is my little Sammy!

Here’s a big group of the family all getting ready for some flag football.

Doesn’t he warm your heart by just looking at him?!! He’s playing with his big cousin Sally.

He went down that slide once and we couldn’t get him off of it! J

Aw, I could just eat him up! Such a handsome little man!

I hear he just took his first steps after our visit in Oklahoma…he’s growing up already L

And here is the next day when we went to the lake to climb mountains..

This pictures a little blurry sorry! Beautiful family though if I may say…

And what would a trip to a sandy lake be if I didn’t have a cheesy I heart You picture?!

Here’s Sally and Aunt Shirley after some sand wrastlin’

Krislyn and Josh have no fear in climbing huge rocks!! …course I did hehe

Here is Shanda talking to little Garrett..

And here is Krislyn, Josh and Trey climbing up one of the smaller mountains. Photoshop’ed too of course!

WE EVEN SAW DEER!!! It was great.. James was sweet enough to pull up for me.. yet I still got a blurry picture…

posted by Cera at 12:47 PM -
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Name: Cera
Home: Farmers Branch, Texas, United States
About Me: um... im not someone you'd forget.. well not for a while haha
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