Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Lots o' Pics
Here's a whole crap load of pictures haha. Most of them are the kids cause they are just so dang cute!!! Oh and belated happy Easter!!

Okay, well this isn't the kids obviously but I just think it's so pretty! these wooded area pictures are from the little park next to City Hall.. when you go in there I swear it's like a whole nother place!

This one is my favorite. It makes me want to go curl up with a book

Some pretty flowers on a tree that were blooming

Here's Kaylee walking on this stone wall thingie next to the creek

Gracie also walking on the stone wall with help from Kate.. 'What's that on her arm?!' you ask? Yeah she broke it. No more 'snake' stunts on the bike please!

Grace looking at the creek

Gracie and Kaylee sitting on the wall

Kate of course, looking beautiful as always!!




My two favorite nieces!!

Mason rockin' this photo!!!

Kaylee again

Mason has a great serious face for photos

Gracie running towards me

Doin' a little magic

Wish I could curl up like that!!

And here's Gracie with her sling and cast. Poor baby :(

Easter Time!!!

Gracie and Mason trying to find the last of the eggs

Kaylee pondering the meaning of 'egg'... okay yeah I don't know hehe

I did this picture a few different ways and couldn't decide what i liked best so I posted them all heh

Mom and the girls doing deviled eggs. Why are they called that?!
kaylee reaching for an egg.
Mason sitting down.. dur!
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Gracie counting her loot

Kaylee counting hers.

Kaylee throwing confetti from the confetti eggs.. I didn't get to do any :/
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Mason doing his confetti thing.

I have to mention: When I told Mason and Kaylee to throw it together on the count of three, after I said three Mason quickly threw his in the air and then hugged his sister. I just thought it was so cute and sweet!

Here's the awesome lamb cake Mom, Mason and I all helped decorate. I think the girls did the grass too. It was a joint effort.

Poor lamby...never had a chance!
posted by Cera at 1:37 AM - 0 comments
About Me
Name: Cera
Home: Farmers Branch, Texas, United States
About Me: um... im not someone you'd forget.. well not for a while haha
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